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Filtering by Category: RECOMMEND


Sindy Sinn

Growing up in Australia, one of the most important things is learning how to swim. Closely followed by learning how to swim safely in the surf! At the Manly Surf School, kids of all ages learn the basics of surfing, including how the rips and ocean works.
Our designer Sindy Sinn was a part of it when he was a grom and reckons it was some of the best years of his life. Learning to paddle out the back, catch waves, get up on his feet and ride it all the way in. The Manly Surf School has a great program for kids of all ages, we can’t recommend it enough. Even better, enrol your kids with their mates and they can all learn / enjoy the surf together.

Favourite Pub: The Henson

Sindy Sinn

So often kid-stuff is about the kid. Well, not this time. We’re recommending The Henson Park Hotel in Marrickville as a great pub for families. With an amazing range of beer and food, the Henson is great for a sunny arvo hangout. Plus (and a big plus) it’s got a dedicated kidzone off the beer-garden. Somewhere to plonk the kids and have adult chats for a minute… or a moment of silence, whichever you prefer.

The Henson Park Hotel: 91 Illawarra Rd, Marrickville (Sydney NSW).

A rare photo of the kidzone not heaving with kids.


Sindy Sinn

Sometimes you can’t beat the classics. Which is why it’s so so rad that Converse extends their All Star range down to babies and kids sizes. Seriously, how fucking cute are these Size 1 Connys. These will scuff up nicely in the playground, keeping their little tootsies safe at the same time.

Buying for little ones can be complicated. Converse keeps it simple. Plus they’ll matching mum and dad. They come in a range of colours and sizes, they’ve got an impressive range, all around the $40 mark.